sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

A big change with no changes to me.

My new is about the restructuring of Design as a career.  
These days of strike I was knowing about all actions of the restructuring. This change is already doing and despite these are fast I will not have the benefit of receive it. Well, I tell u.
This change implies a new mesh. As all of us knows, today the schedule and the subjects are too loaded, poorly distributed, stressful and unproductive so to fix it was decided to do an integral career which doesn’t differentiate between graphic and industrial design. This new career would include subjects like textile design, film, and others related.
But, why this struck my attention? Well, I will not can study this amazing new career because this change takes too much time to make it work so, when it finally works I will be out of this college so I will have a really big empty hole of knowledge and what could I do? Learn to fill that void by myself. Think that makes me finally understand why this college is so special.
All this time, we just learn how learn, we learn how to be capable to learn everything and how apply it. That is to say, It doesn’t matter if you don’t know something, doesn’t matter if you are ignorant about something, because you will have the capacity to learn it by yourself without someone to teach you. And will not matter if you don’t know how to use a 3d software because you will know how learn the future 3d softwares by yourself too.

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