sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Lost in London

Personally, I am terrible finding information on internet, especially under pressure.
I always say, if you want that I do a perfect work, don’t press me because if you do it, you will despair me and you will make me clumsy. I really hate work under pressure. I always give the 10% of all my capacity so the work begins to be mediocre and little effective. I think that is really important give the 100% always but sometimes it is really hard to do.
Understand about the travel zones was really difficult to me. I tried to find what it was, how it works, but the more I read the less understood. I tried to decode it using the addresses of the places but, actually it had no connection. Casually, when I found the web side of the tube stations, and when I found which tube station was near to the place, I could find in the web side and it said me what zone was. After that, all was easier and faster.
Another thing that took me too much time was find new activities, taking care about when and where it was. I wanted to find different activities but it really took me too much time so, at the end I preferred find the activities already proposed.
As a conclusion, I think that, to find things on internet, more than know English, we need to understand the format of the web sides. Once it observed, I could understand how and where find the specific information that I needed without reading all the information.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

A big change with no changes to me.

My new is about the restructuring of Design as a career.  
These days of strike I was knowing about all actions of the restructuring. This change is already doing and despite these are fast I will not have the benefit of receive it. Well, I tell u.
This change implies a new mesh. As all of us knows, today the schedule and the subjects are too loaded, poorly distributed, stressful and unproductive so to fix it was decided to do an integral career which doesn’t differentiate between graphic and industrial design. This new career would include subjects like textile design, film, and others related.
But, why this struck my attention? Well, I will not can study this amazing new career because this change takes too much time to make it work so, when it finally works I will be out of this college so I will have a really big empty hole of knowledge and what could I do? Learn to fill that void by myself. Think that makes me finally understand why this college is so special.
All this time, we just learn how learn, we learn how to be capable to learn everything and how apply it. That is to say, It doesn’t matter if you don’t know something, doesn’t matter if you are ignorant about something, because you will have the capacity to learn it by yourself without someone to teach you. And will not matter if you don’t know how to use a 3d software because you will know how learn the future 3d softwares by yourself too.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

A paradise

        We had planned that holiday all year. I never knew about this place until my love tells me. We wanted to be in a quiet and peaceful place so we decided to go where the nature is the most pure and where the life takes the real sense, Icalma.
        That day we wanted to do something really special and different so we decided to go to explore and we wished to find a beauty and wonderful place to lunch. We walked all the morning through fallen and broken trees, on shifting stones and touching the transparent lake water. We had to plunge into the water to cross the road. I was jumping the big stones when my dear said me that we had already arrived.
        When I stopped and I could saw where we were, I couldn’t believe it. That place was a paradise, like we saw in dreams, like we always wanted, those colors, those sounds. In front of me there was a quite lake but I could hear the fall of the waterfall beside me, I could hear the singing birds and the roar of the trees. In this place even the insects are welcome.
      I wanted to remember that special moment, so I took this photo, which shows the most amazing place to me, to us. This photo shows the Icalma little lake when the sun started to go down.
      I really love that photo, whenever I see, it cans take me out of here and takes me there, in front of the lake, breathing clean air, breathing peace and happiness and giving me all that moment again and again. So I don’t want other life to go to a paradise because I have already known and lived it.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011



I don’t have a favourite web side but I like so much porlaputa.com. I don’t visit it directly but I always see it by others friends. They use to tell me what’s new in that side and I always says OH! You lie! Really! That’s really fun! I can´t believe you so you MUST show me that NOW! I like this web side because it makes me laugh, everytime I see it I have to stop sometimes because my muscles faces of laugh are tired.
In this web side you see so stranges and funnies photos and videos that if you start to see it you will never end it, this web it’s so vicious. I always say to myself “Dominique you must stop to see it NOW! But then I say to me “But just one page more” and that page never ends. I can be watching it with my friend all day and it still funny and vicious.
I think that this web side is special because it achieve show what kind of things the people can do, think or consider strange, funny or weird.
This page is a weird and funny world which is around us everyday and everytime and it’s so fun see it sometimes. It can makes your day so happy :)

viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

My favorite song at the moment is "Valerie". I heard it the first time when I saw the nine episode of Glee, they sang it for a competition and I really liked how Santana (the character) sang that and I loved the rhythm. When I’m listening the song I feel like a wanna dance so much, the song gives me so much energy and It makes me feel so animated. When I’m on the city train and I’m listening the song, I enjoy it so much that I like the travel despite being in a tight space with people way too close. I don’t know what kind of music is but when I was searching it on Youtube I knew that the original song was of Amy Winehouse feat Mark Ronson and I liked that song too but I really enjoy listen the voice of Naya Rivera (Santana). The lyric or the song is not special to me but is so strange how it makes me feel, I hear it several times a day and it never tires me, I could listen it all day and I would enjoy it everytimes. Obviously there are many songs that I like, songs about love and regrets of White Lies or Jessie J, but at the moment It is the song that I hear more and its makes feel good not like the others. The others songs are really special to me but I have to listen it less because they makes me cry sometimes and I don’t like that.
So, I hope that song likes u and enjoy it as me.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Cata’s post correction

My favorite piece of technology is my notebook,(.)P. I got it by jobbing in the summer (doing jobs at the summer)WW and my father gave me some help (to buy it)MW too. I buy (bought)WT it 2 years ago, in July of 2009,(.)P before it(Before that)WW, I used to use my uncle’s computer, and it wasn’t very nice because I had to wait she (her)WW to finished using to do (to finish)EW my university works, and the computer was not so good.
I use my notebook every day and a lot of hours a day, because I have so many work to do for the university, and I used(use)WT it to talk with my family that(who)WW live(lives)WT in Puerto Varas,(.)P I don’t like to use (don’t like use)EW the telephone, so internet is a good way for me to communicate with them. I like my notebook so much because it is very fast so (and)WW I don’t have any problem to do my work,(.)P before(Before) I have it I had too many problems because architecture programs need a lot of memory and the other people doesn’t have this kind of computers.
My notebook is a very important part of my career, without it I wouldn’t be able to do my work so it came to save my life!!!(!)E.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

My favourite piece of technology is “The Mp3 Player”

     I got my first mp3 player four years ago. It was Samsumg. It has a pearl white colour and I remember that it was so light and small and the best thing of that mp3 player was the USB charger. It didn’t use batteries like the others. This kind of charge was so efficient to me, because you plug this just a few hours and you had too many hours of music at the week in your pocket. I forgot to buy any batteries again and I really loved to have music every time and everywhere.
     After this Samsumg player I had a MP4 player of a strange brand. It had a lot of memory but I didn’t like very much because It was so thick. I preferred my first player.
     When my MP4 was damaged I changed it to a mobile phone which had the same memory. It was cool but at the practice it wasn’t too much because I had to have a “freehands” and those headphones hadn’t quality and powerful sound.
      I just had my mobile phone like a player but until a year ago my lover gave me a new mp3 player which had a 2 GB of memory and I really loved it. It was so thin, plane, and small that I could take it and use it easily anywhere. I used this mp3 player all year, every day, but now I changed it to an Android mobile phone that I think, wow, it’s so easy and practical to use and take. It’s like a iPhone but cheaper.
      I listen music every days and some times a day because It distract me and give me a really good time. Have my music when I’m on the bus or city train makes that time be a nice experience and not an unpleasant experience like it could be. My diary life would be so boring and would be full of bad times if Mp3 players weren’t exist.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

The concert of my life

July 26, 2008.
I was sleeping when my friend Camila called me. She told me that MUSE would come to Chile. It was hard to believe but It was truth. We would be ready to go everytime and everywhere.
That day was amazing. I got their firms, I could touch them, I could say how I enjoy their music and finally I could have the best concert of my life at the front row.
My last concert was Depeche Mode Tour at July, 2009 and it wasn’t so unbelievable. I hope that all of next concerts were like the first MUSE concert.
The waiting of the concert was relatively calm because one hour before the opening everybody was quiet but after the people got crazy and started to push to the others persons. There was too many people, and almost all were fan of MUSE. I think that those kind of concert can enjoy more than the massive concerts like, for example, Lollapalooza Fest, where had too many groups but If I like just one, this kind of concert start to be too expensive and unsatisfying.